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October 5, 2022

2022 Enquiry Experience Tracker Awards

The results of our 2022 Enquiry Experience Tracker are in!

This is our biggest tracker study to date, with 107 higher education institutions participating globally, across the UK, Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand.

Developed in partnership with student conversion specialists UniQuest, Edified’s Enquiry Experience Tracker is a syndicated mystery shopping and benchmarking program that looks at how well universities are handling enquiries from prospective students.

This year we introduced the EET Awards to celebrate good practice and to recognise the institutions who are performing well. We ran 10 awards this year, in categories ranging from best experience by channel to overall student favourite. Awards were up for grabs across four regions: Australia and New Zealand, North America, Europe and the UK.

Here are this year's winners:

Most Responsive: EU Business School, Europe

Award for the most responsive institution globally

The Most Responsive award recognises the institution with the highest responsiveness score globally. EU Business School responded to all enquiries, and was faster, on average, than any other institution worldwide in the 2022 research. 

Student Favourite UK: London Metropolitan University, UK

Student Favourite Europe: Dalarna University, Sweden

Awards for the student favourite institution by region

This Student Favourite award recognises institutions with the highest impact scores in each region of the world. Mystery shoppers are asked to describe their emotional state after engaging with each institution, and to indicate their level of interest and how likely they would be to explore further after making an enquiry.

London Metropolitan University and Dalarna University had students feeling most positive and likely to continue engaging. 

London Metropolitan won this award against 38 UK institutions included in the 2022 Enquiry Experience Tracker research, including a broad sample across all countries and university groupings. Gary Davies, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at London Metropolitan University, says:

“Participating in the Enquiry Experience Tracker is a brilliant benchmarking opportunity to see how we compare to other institutions globally. We recognise the importance of delivering a good enquiry experience and were thrilled to be named as student favourite in the UK. It’s testament to the hard work of our recruitment and enquiries teams over the past year.”

Dalarna came out on top among 24 European institutions across France, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Estonia and Spain. Michael Oppenheimer, Director of International Student Recruitment at Dalarna University says:

“We are a diverse team that coordinates responses to potential students. Student ambassadors are an important part of our communication and faculty and administrative colleagues ensure that we can answer questions in a helpful and personal way. The current strategy of Dalarna University stresses the importance of maintaining a holistic view of students, something that is in line with how we view recruitment of our international students."

Best Email Experience: Massey University, New Zealand

Best WeChat Experience: Aberystwyth University, Wales

Best Phone Experience: University of Aberdeen, Scotland

Best Live Chat Experience: University of York, England

Awards for the best experience by channel worldwide

The Best Channel awards recognise institutions with the highest score through each channel and take into consideration all aspects of the enquiry experience including responsiveness, communication quality, follow-up, and impact. The winning institutions have the highest score recorded for an enquiry responded to for the particular channel. 

Massey University was rated as delivering the Best Email Experience, meaning that it delivered the best experience to an enquiry by email than any other institution worldwide in the 2022 research. Amy Heise, Executive Director of Student Experience at Massey University says:

“The Enquiry Experience Tracker is a unique opportunity for us to benchmark our enquiry service with other universities around the world. It’s great to be recognised as a leader in this area which is due in large part to a team of dedicated customer-centric professionals who act as the gateway to the University. More broadly, it’s fantastic to see New Zealand as a whole perform well globally.”

Aberystwyth University was rated as delivering the Best WeChat, The University of Aberdeen was rated as delivering the Best Phone Experience, and The University of York was rated as delivering the Best Live Chat Experience out of all institutions assessed globally.

Congratulations to all our winners above for their exceptional performance in the respective categories!

To see the full results along with global and regional benchmarks read a copy of the 2022 Enquiry Experience Tracker Global Report

To learn more about the Enquiry Experience Tracker or get help with optimising the prospective student experience at your institution, reach out at

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