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Pitch and Presentation Skills

Engage your audience with confidence, clarity and persuasion

Edified’s Pitch and Presentation Skills training is specifically designed for individuals and teams working with future students, parents, agent partners and other stakeholders such as schools and education partners.

Recruitment teams play a crucial role in showcasing the unique strengths and opportunities their institutions offer to prospective students and agent partners. However, many recruiters struggle with presenting these in an engaging and persuasive way. This can result in presentations that fail to truly connect with students and their families, and with agent partners, leading to missed opportunities to attract the ‘right fit’ students ahead of the competition.

The challenge lies not in just having great information, but in delivering it in a way that captivates and convinces.

That’s where presentation skills training comes in. By learning how to create and deliver inspiring pitches, recruitment teams can make their messages more memorable and impactful.

This training helps recruiters turn the benefits of an institution into a compelling story that highlights value and stands out in the minds of prospective students. It’s all about crafting a narrative that resonates on a personal level, rather than just listing facts and figures.

Confidence and presence are key to making a great impression, and presentation skills training helps build both. Recruiters learn techniques to manage their fears and engage authentically with their audience, making every interaction more meaningful. They also gain skills in reading the room and handling tricky questions, which boosts their credibility and builds trust with students and families.

Investing in presentation skills training for your recruitment team means more successful outcomes. It ensures that every presentation is an opportunity to leave a lasting and positive impression, helping your institution attract and convert more students. Plus, it’s a fun and supportive way for your team to grow and develop their skills, making them even more effective in their roles.

Key benefits

Gain confidence, engage audiences more effectively, and leave a lasting impression

Connect with your audience on a deeper level, tailor your message to their needs, and achieve greater impact

Transform facts and features into compelling narratives that resonate with your audience

Handle difficult questions and objections smoothly, enhancing your credibility

Workshop outline


Full day


Face-to-face or online


Individuals or teams that present as part of their role

Number of people

Up to 10 for face-to-face
Up to 5 for online

During the workshop, we focus on getting your team to think creatively about developing and delivering their messages and ’stories’ in a compelling, engaging and action-oriented format.

After covering the topic areas, we ask your team to create and deliver short presentations during the session, with group feedback and self-reflection. This gives them a valuable opportunity to practice and experiment with their new skills in a supportive environment.

Our engaging and innovative workshops are delivered by equally engaging and experienced trainers and sector professionals who understand the specific challenges facing institutions.

All workshops can be adapted to suit your specific needs.

Along with the workshop, we include a pre-workshop briefing for management and a post-workshop report including key takeaways and results from the attendee survey.

What we’ll cover
  • Creating and delivering credible, memorable and inspiring pitches
  • Improving confidence and presence
  • Understanding your fears
  • Understanding benefits vs. features and the ‘so what’ of value delivery
  • How to deliver your ‘story’, weaving the evidence, and tailoring for your market and audience
  • Improving deck-build and message creation
  • How to read the room, and handle objections and difficult questions
  • The art of persuasion; and the impact of voice, image and body movement
  • Closing your pitch and driving your audience to take the actions you desire


Nicola Bate
Senior Consultant
Sara Sandford
Elyse Pipitone
Carly Puncher

Learning outcomes

Developing compelling
and engaging messages

Participants will learn to create and deliver credible, memorable and inspiring pitches that effectively communicate their message and ‘story’ in a compelling and action-oriented format.

Enhanced confidence
and presence

Participants will improve their confidence and presence in presentations by understanding their fears and learning techniques to manage them, resulting in a more impactful delivery.

Mastering audience
engagement and persuasion

Participants will boost their skills in reading the room, handling objections and difficult questions, and employing the art of persuasion through effective use of voice, image and body movement.

The final report and write-up was the most useful I’ve received in 12 years of working with multiple consultancies.
Marcus Williams
Director of Student Recruitment
These guys are best in class right now. Clear comms, frequent updates, cultural sensitivity. They’re the bee's knees in education consultancy.
Brett Berquist
Amokapua | Assistant Vice-Chancellor Engagement
The Edified team are just a delight to work with: flexible, knowledgeable and deliver great outputs.
Vik Singh
Trade and Investment Commissioner, South Asia
The training was informative, engaging, and highly valuable. Practical exercises and role-playing scenarios not only helped the team members enhance their skills but also provided them with valuable learning experiences.
Kai Guan
Team Leader, Global Leads & Conversion
The team gained a range of insights about how to improve their communication and engagement with stakeholders in a HE context. Looking forward to be implementing the new skills and suggestions.
Annie Kennington
Head of International Growth
The team and I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. With UoA having a large recruitment team on and offshore, with diverse experience levels, the Edified programme ensured the content and training were applicable for all and, most importantly relevant. I would highly recommend the workshop to any organisation involved in International education recruitment.
Ryan Gamon
International Recruitment Lead


Select your region

AU$ 8,950

Multiple workshops offer

A discount is available for multi-day bookings.

AU$ 8,950

Multiple workshops offer

A discount is available for multi-day bookings.

CA$ 8,950

Multiple workshops offer

A discount is available for multi-day bookings.

€ 5,450

Multiple workshops offer

A discount is available for multi-day bookings.

£ 4,750

Multiple workshops offer

A discount is available for multi-day bookings.

US$ 5,950

Multiple workshops offer

A discount is available for multi-day bookings.


Select your country

Sales Personality Profiling
AU$ 7,000 + GST
Add ons: 

Sales Personality Profiling

AU$ 895 + gst

Sales Personality Profiling

AU$ 895 + gst

Special offer

Recieve 10% discount on day 2+ if more than one workshops are delivered on consecutive days.

Prices include a pre-workshop briefing and a post-workshop report including key takeaways and results from the attendee survey identifying skills gaps and areas of concern for the team.
Prices are for a maximum of 20 people for workshop 1 and 2, and 10 for Pitch and Presentation.
Sales Personality Profiling
NZD $ 7,000 + GST
Add ons: 

Sales Personality Profiling

NZD$ 895 + gst

Sales Personality Profiling

NZD$ 895 + gst

Special offer

Recieve 10% discount on day 2+ if more than one workshops are delivered on consecutive days.

Prices include a pre-workshop briefing and a post-workshop report including key takeaways and results from the attendee survey identifying skills gaps and areas of concern for the team.
Prices are for a maximum of 20 people for workshop 1 and 2, and 10 for Pitch and Presentation.
Sales Personality Profiling
CAD $ 7,000 + GST
Add ons: 

Sales Personality Profiling

CAD $ 895 + gst

Sales Personality Profiling

C $ 895 + gst

Special offer

Recieve 10% discount on day 2+ if more than one workshops are delivered on consecutive days.

Prices include a pre-workshop briefing and a post-workshop report including key takeaways and results from the attendee survey identifying skills gaps and areas of concern for the team.
Prices are for a maximum of 20 people for workshop 1 and 2, and 10 for Pitch and Presentation.
Sales Personality Profiling
EUD $ 7,000 + GST
Add ons: 

Sales Personality Profiling

EUD$ 895 + gst

Sales Personality Profiling

EUD$ 895 + gst

Special offer

Recieve 10% discount on day 2+ if more than one workshops are delivered on consecutive days.

Prices include a pre-workshop briefing and a post-workshop report including key takeaways and results from the attendee survey identifying skills gaps and areas of concern for the team.
Prices are for a maximum of 20 people for workshop 1 and 2, and 10 for Pitch and Presentation.
Sales Personality Profiling
UK $ 7,000 + GST
Add ons: 

Sales Personality Profiling

UK $ 895 + gst

Sales Personality Profiling

UK$ 895 + gst

Special offer

Recieve 10% discount on day 2+ if more than one workshops are delivered on consecutive days.

Prices include a pre-workshop briefing and a post-workshop report including key takeaways and results from the attendee survey identifying skills gaps and areas of concern for the team.
Prices are for a maximum of 20 people for workshop 1 and 2, and 10 for Pitch and Presentation.
Sales Personality Profiling
NZD $ 7,000 + GST
Add ons: 

Sales Personality Profiling

NZD$ 895 + gst

Sales Personality Profiling

NZD$ 895 + gst

Special offer

Recieve 10% discount on day 2+ if more than one workshops are delivered on consecutive days.

Prices include a pre-workshop briefing and a post-workshop report including key takeaways and results from the attendee survey identifying skills gaps and areas of concern for the team.
Prices are for a maximum of 20 people for workshop 1 and 2, and 10 for Pitch and Presentation.

Request a workshop

Complete the form to arrange Pitch and Presentation skills training for your team.

Please feel free to add any specific needs or comments. Our team will get in touch to discuss options with you.

For any questions, please get in touch at


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